I would like to consider the subject Women and Men. Although
I have been writting about this subject over the years of my study of English, I
haven't decided my position yet.
Nature has made us physically different and we have other
obvious differences and I want to describe them now.
While men are team oriented, women are more talkative and
are able to do more than one thing at the same time. However, women are more
retailer and men are more reliable and honest. Maybe these differences are the reason why women
and men are naturally attracted. I think it is due to our prehistoric past when we
have assigned differents tasks. To survive, men hunted and women taked care of the
garden and the house and children. It is because that they have to manage
several things at the same time.
Anyway, now we are trained more or less in the
same way and we have to move in the same background. So we are becoming more
equal in our actions although obviously different. Nevertheless it exits huge differences
depending on the country and education is not the same in most of them.